How to Know Your South Africa Passport Number

South African passports are issued by the Department of Home Affairs to citizens of the country and are used for international travel. If you are a South African citizen, it is important to know your passport number for various reasons, such as for visa applications, booking flights, or proving your identity.

Our update will review several methods for finding your South African passport number.

How to Know Your South Africa Passport Number

  1. Check your passport. The easiest and most obvious way to find your passport number is to check the physical passport itself. The passport number is usually printed on the first page of the passport and is a series of alphanumeric characters.
  2. Look at old travel documents. If you have traveled internationally in the past, you may have used your passport number on visa applications or when booking flights. Look through your old travel documents and see if you can find the passport number listed there.
  3. Check your ID book. If you have an ID book (also known as an identity document) issued by the South African government, your passport number may be listed in the ID book. This is especially true if you used your ID book when applying for a passport.
  4. Contact the Department of Home Affairs. If you are unable to find your passport number through any of the methods listed above, you can contact the Department of Home Affairs for assistance. You will need to provide proof of identity, such as a copy of your ID book or driver’s license, and the Department will be able to provide you with your passport number.
  5. Check online. If you applied for a passport online, you may be able to access your passport information online by logging into the Department of Home Affairs’ eHomeAffairs portal. Once logged in, you should be able to view your passport number along with other personal information.

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South Africa Passport Number Format

South Africa passport number format is two letters followed by six numbers. The first two letters represent the person’s citizenship and the six numbers are unique to the individual. The exact format can vary, but typically a South African passport number is formatted as follows: ZA123456, where “ZA” is the country code for South Africa and “123456” is the unique identifier for the individual.


In conclusion, several methods exist for finding your South African passport number. Whether it’s by checking the physical passport, looking at old travel documents, checking your ID book, contacting the Department of Home Affairs, or checking online, there is a way for you to find your passport number if you need it.

It’s important to keep your passport number on hand if you need to provide it for international travel or other purposes. By following the steps outlined in this blog post, you can easily find your South African passport number.

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