How To Acquire Australian Citizenship as a Foreigner

Australia is a popular destination for people worldwide who seek better opportunities, quality of life, and a safe and stable environment. As a result, many foreigners may want to become Australian citizens to fully integrate into the Australian community and enjoy the benefits and rights of citizenship. However, acquiring Australian citizenship can be complex, with several eligibility criteria and pathways available. This guide provides an overview of acquiring Australian citizenship as a foreigner, including eligibility criteria, courses, and application processes.

Australian Citizenship

Australian Citizenship Requirements

Becoming an Australian citizen is a significant step that can be achieved in three ways:

  1. By Birth: If you’re born in Australia and have at least one parent who is an Australian citizen or permanent resident.
  2. By Descent: If you’re born overseas to an Australian citizen.
  3. By Conferral: If you hold a permanent visa and live in Australia.

To become an Australian citizen through conferral, you need to meet certain requirements, which typically include:

  • Being a permanent resident of Australia.
  • Living in Australia for at least four years with short absences.
  • Spending the last 12 months in Australia as a permanent visa holder with brief absences.
  • Demonstrating good character.
  • Having a solid understanding of your rights and responsibilities as an Australian citizen.
  • Planning to reside in Australia or maintain strong ties with the country.

There are also special circumstances that might affect these requirements, such as:

  • Being born in Australia and spending your first decade there.
  • Being the spouse or partner of an Australian citizen while living abroad.
  • Possessing specific visas or skills that benefit Australia.
  • Working in a job that requires travel outside Australia.

If you’re a permanent visa holder facing challenges in meeting these requirements due to personal reasons, it’s worth reaching out to explore your eligibility for citizenship.

Pathways to Australian Citizenship

There are several pathways to acquiring Australian citizenship as a foreigner, including:

  1. Citizenship by conferral: This pathway is for those who have been permanent residents of Australia for at least four years and have lived in Australia for at least 12 months as permanent residents. To apply for citizenship by conferral, you must meet the eligibility criteria, pass the citizenship test, and attend a citizenship ceremony.
  2. Citizenship by descent: This pathway is for those born overseas to at least one Australian citizen parent or grandparent. To apply for citizenship by descent, you must provide evidence of your Australian citizenship by drop and meet other eligibility criteria.
  3. Citizenship by adoption: This pathway is for an Australian citizen adopted as a minor. To apply for citizenship by adoption, you must provide evidence of your adoption and meet other eligibility criteria.
  4. Citizenship by resumption: This pathway is for those previously Australian citizens who lost citizenship. To apply for citizenship by resumption, you must meet the eligibility criteria and provide evidence of your previous Australian citizenship.

Citizenship by Conferral

Citizenship by conferral is the most common pathway to acquiring Australian citizenship for foreigners who have been permanent residents of Australia for at least four years and have lived in Australia for at least 12 months as permanent residents. Here are the steps involved in the citizenship by conferral process:

  • Check your eligibility: Before applying for citizenship by conferral, you must ensure that you meet the eligibility criteria, including the age requirement, residency requirement, reasonable character requirement, and knowledge of the English language requirement.
  • Gather documents: You must provide evidence of your identity, residency, and other personal information as part of your citizenship application.
  • Apply for citizenship: You can apply by conferral online or by completing a paper application form. You must pay the relevant fee and provide all required documents with your application.
  • Attend the citizenship test: If your application is accepted, you will be invited to attend a citizenship test, which is designed to assess your knowledge of Australian values, history, and society. You will need to pass the test to continue with the citizenship process.
  • Attend a citizenship ceremony: If you pass the citizenship test, you will be invited to attend a citizenship ceremony, where you will pledge to Australia and receive your Australian citizenship certificate.

Citizenship by Descent

Citizenship by descent is a pathway to acquiring Australian citizenship for those born outside of Australia to at least one Australian citizen parent or who have an Australian citizen grandparent. Here are the steps involved in the citizenship by descent process:

  • Check your eligibility: Before applying for citizenship by descent, you must ensure that you meet the eligibility criteria, including having an Australian citizen parent or grandparent and providing evidence of your relationship.
  • Gather documents: You must provide evidence of your identity, relationship to the Australian citizen, and other personal information as part of your citizenship application.
  • Apply for citizenship: You can apply for citizenship by descent online or by completing a paper application form. You must pay the relevant fee and provide all required documents with your application.
  • Wait for the application to be processed: The processing time for citizenship by descent applications varies. However, it can take several months for the Department of Home Affairs to assess your application and decide.
  • Receive your citizenship certificate: If your application is approved, you will receive a certificate confirming your Australian citizenship by descent.

Note that if you are applying for citizenship by descent as an adult, you may also need to meet additional eligibility criteria, such as having a competent English language proficiency level.

Citizenship by Adoption

Citizenship by adoption is a pathway to Australian citizenship for citizens adopted during a minor. Here are the steps involved in the citizenship by adoption process:

  1. Check your eligibility: Before applying for citizenship by adoption, you must ensure that you meet the eligibility criteria, including being adopted by an Australian citizen. At the same time, you were minor and provided evidence of your adoption.
  2. Gather documents: You must provide evidence of your identity, adoption, and other personal information as part of your citizenship application.
  3. Apply for citizenship: You can apply for citizenship by adoption online or by completing a paper application form. You must pay the relevant fee and provide all required documents with your application.
  4. Wait for the application to be processed: The processing time for citizenship by adoption applications varies. However, it can take several months for the Department of Home Affairs to assess your application and decide.
  5. Receive your citizenship certificate: If your application is approved, you will receive a certificate confirming your Australian citizenship by adoption.

Note that if you are applying for citizenship by adoption as an adult, you may also need to meet additional eligibility criteria, such as having a competent English language proficiency level.

Citizenship by Resumption

Citizenship by resumption is a pathway to acquiring Australian citizenship for those previously Australian citizens who lost citizenship. Here are the steps involved in the citizenship by resumption process:

  1. Check your eligibility: Before applying for citizenship by resumption, you must ensure that you meet the eligibility criteria, including being an Australian citizen and providing evidence of your previous Australian citizenship.
  2. Gather documents: You must provide evidence of your identity, previous Australian citizenship, and other personal information as part of your citizenship application.
  • Apply for citizenship: You can apply by resumption online or completing a paper application form. You must pay the relevant fee and provide all required documents with your application.
  1. Wait for the application to be processed: The processing time for citizenship by resumption applications varies. However, it can take several months for the Department of Home Affairs to assess your application and decide.
  2. Receive your citizenship certificate: If your application is approved, you will receive a certificate confirming your Australian citizenship by resumption.

If you lost your Australian citizenship due to renunciation, you might need to apply for citizenship by conferral instead of citizenship by resumption. Additionally, if you have any criminal convictions or other issues that may affect your eligibility for Australian citizenship, you should seek legal advice before applying.

Applying for Australian Citizenship

Australian citizenship applications, having successfully guided many individuals through the process.

Becoming an Australian citizen involves submitting a completed application form along with necessary documents and paying the required fee to the Department of Home Affairs (DOHA). Typically, you’ll need to attend an interview and pass a citizenship test as part of the application process.

The citizenship test evaluates your understanding of Australia’s history, society, and the rights and responsibilities of citizenship.

Once your application is approved, you’ll be invited to participate in an Australian citizenship ceremony. During this ceremony, you’ll take the Australian Citizenship Pledge, officially marking your transition to Australian citizenship.

We offer assistance throughout the entire Australian citizenship application process, providing a comprehensive 5-step approach to help you achieve citizenship smoothly.

Citizenship Fees and Processing Time

Citizenship fees and processing times vary depending on the type of citizenship application and individual circumstances. Here is an overview of the costs and processing times for the most common types of citizenship applications:

Citizenship by Conferral:

Price: AUD 285 for adults, AUD 180 for children

Processing time: varies but can take up to 24 months

Citizenship by Descent:

Fee: AUD 230 for adults, AUD 95 for children

Processing time: varies but can take up to 6 months

Citizenship by Adoption:

Fee: AUD 230 for adults, AUD 95 for children

Processing time: varies but can take up to 6 months

Citizenship by Resumption:

Fee: AUD 190 for adults, AUD 95 for children

Processing time: varies but can take up to 6 months

Note that these fees are subject to change and may be additional fees for services such as document certification or English language testing. Additionally, processing times are estimates and may be affected by factors such as the volume of applications and individual circumstances.

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Privileges of Australian Citizenship

As an Australian citizen, you enjoy several privileges, including:

  1. Voting in Federal, State, or territory elections, as well as in referendums.
  2. Applying for employment in the Australian Public Service or the Australian Defence Force.
  3. Seeking candidacy for election to parliament.
  4. Applying for an Australian passport for international travel.
  5. Receiving assistance from Australian embassies or consulates when abroad.
  6. Registering children born overseas as Australian citizens by descent.

Are you ready to become an Australian citizen?


Getting Australian citizenship as a foreigner can be a complex process that involves meeting eligibility criteria and providing supporting documentation. There are several pathways to Australian citizenship, including citizenship by conferral, descent, adoption, and resumption. Each path has its requirements, fees, and processing times. It is essential to carefully review each pathway’s eligibility criteria and application process before applying. Additionally, seeking legal advice or assistance from a migration agent may help navigate the citizenship process. Ultimately, becoming an Australian citizen can offer many benefits, including living and working in Australia without visa restrictions and access to various social and economic opportunities.

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